We warmly welcome all of you to keep in touch with us to continue contributing back to society.
Not to say goodbye, but we hope to see you soon
Alumni Story

Masrani Bin Awang
I am Masrani Bin Awang, the first recipient of the Sharifah Rokiah Award during the AIU Inaugural Convocation. As a member of the AIU family, I’ve learned to constantly improve myself while simultaneously assisting the growth of others. In accordance with the university’s core values, I accept the responsibility of being a change agent wherever I go, just as the Albukhary Foundation helps us pursue our dreams by providing scholarships. I joined a charity programme run by Pondok Brotherhood Malaysia, a non-governmental organisation based in Sungai Petani, Kedah, following my graduation. People in need, such as madrasah students and orphans, are assisted in as many ways as possible. Not only that, I also enjoy growing a business in Sungai Petani with my friends. Beginning with a small room in 2020 and expanding to a three-story building within three years, my business deals with auto accessories and replacement parts.
My new project 2023 will embark on a social business project in Sabah entitled the Hayi Project. HAYI, which stands for humanity and youth inspiration, is a social enterprise focused on inspiring youth. We sell Batik-fabric-made products to give our customers a unique and traditional touch. The products are manufactured by housewives and single mothers with sewing skills. Through this project, we empower societies with low incomes. Our assortment consists of kimonos, totes, scrunchies, and hand fans. The profit will then be used to conduct social activities for youngsters. The Albukhary Foundation and Albukhary International University deserve special recognition for providing me with so many doors and opportunities. Thank you to everyone who helped shape who I am today.
Soprey Sapirin
I am Soprey Sapirin. I was the recipient of the Sharifah Rokiah Award during the second convocation at Albukhary International University. As a member of the AIU family, I had formed a solid knowledge of the institution’s essential values, which helped shape who I am today. I have realised that success entails the capacity to give back to the community. I lead the Islamic Youth Association for Cambodian Orphans as its president. Our objective is to ensure that students can attend school and continue their education. We are proud to have constructed the first Islamic school in Kampung Kok, where children have been able to study Islamic subjects since 2020. Our crew is now constructing a mosque for the school. This is a component of the large project in which I am engaged. I pledge my thanks to Albukhary International University for providing the platform for me to learn and grasp the concept of giving back to people in need.