AIU’s Joint Initiative: Seminar and Workshop on Teacher Education and Climate Change
- Posted by Admin
- Categories News and Event, Student-News
- Date December 28, 2023
On the 19 and 20 December, SEHS has successfully collaborated with Prince of Songkla University and Chongraksatwittaya School in Pattani for a Seminar and Workshop on Teacher Education and Climate Change.
The programme aimed at sharing expertise of SEHS staffs during the Seminar on Teacher Education and 3Zero Workshop among AIU students on Climate Change Education. We have also discussed further joint collaboration with the institutions involving research and student leadership activities.
In conjunction with this programme, we have also promoted AIU programmes to another school of our AIU alumni, Thamavitya School with the capacity of 6000 students for a wider promotion. Thank you to our Vice Chancellor, Emeritus Prof Aziz for the full support given and for joining us throughout the programme. We hope to create more programmes that could benefit the AIU community and people around us.
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