AIU Conducts Its First News Writing Workshop
- Posted by Admin
- Categories News and Event
- Date January 30, 2024
ALOR SETAR, 30 January 2024 – The inaugural workshop on news writing for the administrative staff of Albukhary International University (AIU) was organised by the Corporate Communication and Marketing Department (CCM). This event, which took place yesterday in the Senate Meeting Room, attracted more than 30 participants to learn basic news writing skills and techniques.
The workshop was conducted by Ziinine Abdesselam, an educator from the School of Education and Human Sciences (SEHS). With a wealth of experience as a senior news writer, Ziinine Abdesselam shared his expertise in news writing with all the attendees.
Ziinine emphasized that “simplicity is the key”. He highlighted the significance of simplicity in news writing, noting that employing plain English and steering clear of bombastic words is crucial for establishing a meaningful connection with readers.
Participants were also given hands-on news writing assignments to assess their understanding of the structure and format of news writing.
Meanwhile, Abdul Shakur Abdullah, the Director of the Corporate Communication and Marketing Department, expressed optimism that the workshop would empower participants to craft news articles for forthcoming significant events organized by their department.
The workshop provided participants with valuable insights that will be beneficial in improving their writing skills.