Celebrating our AIU Academics Excellence at the International Innovation Competition in Education
- Posted by Admin
- Categories News and Event
- Date October 3, 2023
On September 26, School of Education and Human Sciences had sent 5 projects in STEAM education to compete in the International Innovation Competition in Education which was organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
Congratulations to all the 5 projects that managed to secure bronze, silver, and gold awards in the category of Higher Learning Institution (IPTS/TA). One of the projects received the overall best presenter under the category of Higher Learning Institution (IPTS/TA)
(BRONZE AWARD) Interactive fiction: E-storybook to enhance reading interest among lower elementary students – Nurul Huda, Aina Yasmin, Aini Syahira
(SILVER AWARD AND BEST PRESENTER) Enhancing Pre-Service Elementary Education Teachers’ Math Laboratory Activities through Desmos: A Comprehensive Analysis – Ildefonso Halipa Jr
(SILVER AWARD) Big book as a teaching aid to enhance reading motivation among preschool children – Aina Yasmin, Nurul Huda, Aini Syahira
(GOLD AWARD) Exploring AI-Generated Illustrations in Students’ Retelling of South East Asian Folktales for Elementary Reading – Alia Hanim, Norazly Nordin
(GOLD AWARD) Validity and Reliability of the Instrument of Akhlak Values Assessment (i-PeNA) for Preschoolers Using Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Model – Norazly Nordin
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